Raat Ki Rani (Night Blooming Jasmine) Plant - Facts, Benefits, Care & How To Grow

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Raat Ki Rani (Night Blooming Jasmine) Plant - Facts, Benefits, Care & How To Grow

All through the night the flowers flare, scent flowing and catching the wind.

The lamp now climbs the stair, shines from above, is dimmed...

It's dawn: the petals, slightly worn, close up again—each bud to brood, in its soft, secret urn, on some yet-nameless good.

These lovely lines are from “Night Blooming Jasmine”  written by Giovanni Pascoli, an Italian poet.  

According to the poetry cited above and as is clear from the name, Raat Ki Rani, or night-blooming jasmine flowers, which are prized for their ethereal scent, blossom at night and close during the day.

This magical flower, Raat Ki Rani, has inspired poets, painters, and artists for centuries. The name jasmine may appear in the name, but this plant isn't a true jasmine.

Instead, it is a member of the Solanaceae family, which also includes potatoes and tomatoes.

What’s more?

Night blooming jasmine has antiviral and antibacterial properties, which are used to treat infections like malaria.

In this article, we will cover -

  • Facts about the Raat Ki Rani plant
  • Health Benefits of the Raat Ki Rani plant
  • How to grow Raat Ki Rani plant at home?
  • Gardening & care tips for Raat Ki Rani plant

Let’s dive into the mesmerizing world of Night Blooming Jasmine or Raat Ki Rani plant.

Facts about Raat Ki Rani plant

  1.       Native to the West Indies, the Raat Ki Rani plant has now naturalized in South Asia.
  2.       Other names for this Raat Ki Rani include lady of the night, night-blooming jasmine, night-scented jessamine, night-scented cestrum, and poisonberry
  3.       It is an evergreen woody shrub with slender branches that can reach a height of 4 meters
  4.       The fruits are originally green and eventually turn white as they grow, while the leaves are broad, smooth, and glossy
  5.       The Raat Ki Rani plant produces greenish-white flowers with five sharp lobes that are 10–13 mm in diameter and a slender tubular corolla that is 2–2.5 cm long
  6.       Although the leaves are thought to be poisonous to humans, they are used in Thailand to cure epilepsy in small doses
  7.       China also makes use of the leaves. The leaves were applied topically for burns and swellings in traditional Chinese medicine
  8.       Raat Ki Rani flowers are offered to Lord Shiva and Ganesha in Kathmandu
  9.       This plant and its flowers are used to make essential oils that are used as an antidepressant in aromatherapy
  10.   Hot flashes and menopausal mood swings can be treated with the Raat Ki Rani essential oil

Health Benefits of Raat Ki Rani plant

The Raat Ki Rani plant is well-known in Ayurveda for its amazing health benefits. Read below and learn about the various health benefits of night jasmine:

Treats fever

Raat Ki Rani is anti-pyretic in nature. Various types of fevers, like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya, are cured by the leaves of this plant. In dengue and chikungunya fevers, it immediately raises the blood platelet count.

Cures cough

The changing weather can cause a fever, a runny nose, and a cough. Medicines reduce fever quickly, but coughing takes longer to disappear. Experts say that a tea made from Raat Ki Rani leaves and flowers can cure this cough and cold. There is ethanol in this plant that does the trick.

Used to treat sciatica and arthritis

Arthritis and sciatica lead to joint pain. The leaves and flowers of night-blooming jasmine have anti-inflammatory properties that can cure the pain caused by arthritis and sciatica.

Controls diabetes

Night-blooming jasmine can regulate elevated blood sugar levels, according to recent studies. The flower extracts of this plant possess an anti-diabetic effect.

Boosts immunity

Due to the presence of ethanol in it, Raat Ki Rani can boost immunity. Night-blooming jasmine is also anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-allergic in nature. So, it can help you stay away from various fungal infections.

Healthy hair

According to experts, a decoction of the seeds helps treat dandruff and head lice. The flowers of this plant are used as a good hair tonic that fortifies hair roots and reduces hair loss. It also stops the hair from going gray.

For cuts & wounds

Traditional medicine has made use of night-blooming jasmine. Cuts, wounds, burns, and skin irritation would benefit from topical treatments.

How to grow a Raat Ki Rani plant at home?

Raat Ki Rani, a tropical, evergreen, and sweet-smelling flower, is adored by all. It is a famous houseplant. If you want to plant one at home, follow the steps mentioned below: -

Stage 1 – Prepare the seeds

Firstly, you have to buy seeds for the Raat Ki Rani plant from online or offline shops. Then soak the seeds in a bowl of water for at least 12 hours. Now, take a small container, remove the lid, and fill it up with a mix of moistened sand and peat moss.

Stage 2 – Put in container/pot

In the container mentioned above, put the seeds, cover them with soil, and keep the container in your refrigerator for 1-2 months. After this process, called stratification, the seeds will be ready for planting.

It is advised to keep the seeds at a temperature between -1 and -4 degrees Celsius. Check the condition of the soil every week. The soil should be slightly moist. Spray some water on the soil if it appears to be slightly dry.

Stage 3 – Bring in potting soil

Bring 10-cm pots, and put planting soil or peat moss in them. Place two seeds in each container after softly misting them. Gently press the seeds into the containers and spray them once more.

Stage 4 – Germinate the seeds

Take a germination tray or a shallow container and place the pots from stage 3. Place a plastic bag with a ventilation hole over the tray. Keep the tray at a temperature between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius, which will facilitate the germination process. You can take off the plastic bag after you see seedlings in two to three weeks.

Stage 5 – Provide sunlight

As new seedlings emerge, that doesn’t mean your job is done. Now you have to be more careful. Select a place where these seedlings can receive at least 10 to 12 hours of sunlight every day. The south-facing window will be a nice spot. You can also use a grow light.

Stage 6 – Transplant

When the seedlings reach a height of 3–4 inches (7–10 cm), you can transplant them.

If you intend to plant them in your garden, choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and leave enough room for the roots to spread out and grip the soil. Make a hole big enough to fit the Raat Ki Rani seedling in a suitable garden location. Holding the root ball, insert it slowly into the hole. Put soil that is rich in nutrients over the planting.

If you want to keep it on your terrace or balcony, then opt for a 75 liter or 20 gallon container with lots of drainage holes. This container should be filled with rich, loose soil and other draining materials, such as stones. Make a hole, and then insert the seedling with the root ball inside.

How to take care of the Raat Ki Rani plant

Taking care of the Raat Ki Rani plant is easy. Keep the simple things in mind mentioned below: -


Raat Ki Rani requires a well-drained sandy soil with high-nutrient compost mixed in it. This compost would help the plant grow faster and better. The pH of the soil should be between 6.6 and 7.5.


Raat Ki Rani thrives in tropical climates with moderate temperatures and high relative humidity. They cannot tolerate heavy winters. The ideal temperature for them is between 21 and 31 degrees Celsius.


After the Raat Ki Rani plant has established itself in the soil and surroundings, you can think about fertilizers because that would promote the growth of flowers. When the growing season begins, you can feed this plant a liquid fertilizer like seaweed or fish emulsion fertilizer every two weeks. You may also opt for a high-phosphorus fertilizer during the growing season.


Night blooming jasmine is a sun-loving plant. It requires direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day


Pick an area that can get six hours of daily sunlight. Along with the sunny side of the terrace, the sunny porches, east-facing balcony, or window sills would be ideal.


Night blooming jasmine, or Raat Ki Rani, is a thirsty plant that needs weekly watering while it's just starting to grow. Saturate the soil with water to keep it consistently moist. Once they are established, you can decrease watering throughout the dry winter months.


You have to be mindful about the spacing of Raat Ki Rani plants. Provide a space of at least 4 to 6 feet so that the roots can spread out and hold the soil properly.


You must prune the plant in the fall as soon as the flowering period is over. This will encourage new growth and reduce the plant's invasiveness because the feeding birds won't disperse the berry seeds.

Frequently asked questions related to Raat Ki Rani Plant

Is jasmine and Raat Ki Rani same?

No, jasmine and Raat Ki Rani, or night blooming jasmine, are different flowers. While Jasmine is a genus of olive-family shrubs and vines, Night Blooming Jasmine is a plant species in the Solanaceae family, which includes tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes.

How long does it take Raat Ki Rani to bloom?

Summer through autumn are the blooming seasons for Raat Ki Rani. In 4-6 weeks after planting the seeds, new growth will appear. In two to three months, fresh roots will begin to grow, and when the favorable spring season comes, the plant will blossom. So, you may plan to plant it accordingly.

Where is the best place to plant a night-blooming jasmine?

Raat Ki Rani, or night-blooming jasmine flowering plants, love the sun. So, a sunny corner in your home or garden would be best for this plant. You can also opt for partial shade, but make sure it receives sunlight for at least 6 hours per day.

Can we keep the Raat Rani plant at home?

Raat Ki Rani makes a wonderful houseplant. During flowering season, the lovely, aromatic flowers keep the house fresh. According to Vastu, these flowers make a welcoming environment and are auspicious for homes.

Does jasmine attract snakes?

Yes, snakes are attracted by the pleasant and strong fragrance of jasmine flowers (but not all types of jasmine). Plus, the jasmine vine provides a habitat for the snake. The snakes flock to this shrub because it provides safety from their predators in the cool, dark area underneath the jasmine vine.

Is Raat Rani poisonous?

Yes, the Raat Ki Rani plant is poisonous to both humans and pets. The most commonly reported problems are respiratory problems from the scent and feverish symptoms following ingestion. There can also be cases of headaches and nausea.


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