4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 92

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.9 19

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 33

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 20

Round Ribbed Railing Planters - Set of 5 (Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, Orange)

₹ 1,759 ₹ 987 (44% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 25

Railing Planters Round Dotted (Blue, Orange, Red & Green) - Set of 4

₹ 1,330 ₹ 906 (32% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.9 19

4.8 rating (19 votes) 5.0 6

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.5 6

Dotted Round Hanging Basket - Set of 5 (Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue)

₹ 1,499 ₹ 1,126 (25% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.0 1

4.8 rating (19 votes) 5.0 5

Oleander Magnetic Planter

₹ 599 ₹ 399 (33% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.9 10

Single Railing Planter (Set of 4) - Red, Yellow, Blue & Orange

₹ 1,330 ₹ 899 (32% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.5 4

Snow Ball Magnetic Planter

₹ 519 ₹ 263 (49% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 6

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.7 7

Single Railing Planter (Set of 2) - Red & Yellow

₹ 868 ₹ 499 (43% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 5.0 3

Set Of 2-Dotted Oval Railing Planter-(Purple, Red)

₹ 1,027 ₹ 659 (36% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.7 3

Bramble Magnetic Planter

₹ 599 ₹ 400 (33% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.3 3

Bryony Magnetic Planter

₹ 519 ₹ 343 (34% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.5 2

Blossom Flower Planter

₹ 634 ₹ 399 (37% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.7 6

Single Railing Planter (Set Of 2) - Blue & Yellow

₹ 868 ₹ 599 (31% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 6

Rectangular Railing Planter -Green (23 Inch)

₹ 1,047 ₹ 1,001 (4% off)

Showing: 1 - 24 of 85


Instead of using the old ceramic and terracotta pots for flowering plants, you can use the metal flower pots to grow colourfull flowers. Here are few some suggestion to select the planters

  • Select metal flower pot which are less in weight so they are flexible and easy to carry.
  • Colourfull metal pots will give a great look with colourfull flowers.
  • Select a planter which has drainage hole so the excess of water will flow otherwise your plants may suffocate and root from too much moisture.
  • Hanging and railing flower pots will give an attractive look for your garden.
  • Some Flower plants need larger space to grow and for some less space would be sufficient so choose a right plant to grow in the planter. So take a step to give your garden an appealing decorative look


Trust basket is one of the successful manufacturers and suppliers of metal flower pot set. Flower pot set is an ideal decorative item. our metal flower planters are available in different colours, size, and shape, our metal planters are made up off high quality galvanized metal so they are less weighted and flexible to carry, Colour is very important for a metal flower pot it gives a unique and decorative look for the garden so we are providing the planters in 7 different colours (red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, ivory and teal). Since our planters finishing is given with powder coated painting they can withstand direct sunlight all over the day and our planters are rust free. The detachable hooks given with our planters are adjustable to different length so you can place these planters on all type of railings. All the metal planters of trust basket will be having a drainage hole at the bottom, so the excess water will flow out. Flower plants like Dahlia, gomphrena, marigold, petunia, vinca, zinnia and much more can be grown using our Round dotted and bee planters wich consumes less space. Large flower plants like antirrhinum, cockscomb, cineraria, mesembryanthemum, pansy can be grown in our large oval and rectangular planters. Choose our metal flower planters which not only décor your house but also pleasant your eyes.

Here is some suggestion for flower gardening by our experts.

No matter what your level of experience, you can have blooming beauty in your life. But for your flowers to do best, it helps to understand a few basics about how flowers work and what they need. flower plants need minimum 5 to 6 hours of sunlight to grow healthily. good soil with enough organic matter is essential for successful flower gardening. There are basically two types of flowering plant Annuals and perennials
Annuals go through their whole life cycle in one growing season: sprouting from a seed, growing leaves and roots, producing flowers, creating seeds and then dying.
Perennials are plants whose root systems stay alive underground for several years.The part above the soil may go dormant and die back in winter, but the plant is still alive and will sprout again in spring. The tradeoff for perennials' long life is that they bloom for only a few weeks or months each year.
Both annuals and perennials can be sown from seed directly in the garden, but it will take a while for them to sprout, develop and bloom several weeks for annuals, up to a year for perennials.
Often we fall for a flower on looks alone depending upon the sunlight, soil and space select a plant that fits.

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