How to Grow
Chameli Flower Plant: Types, Care And How To Grow at Home
If love can ever be described, the fragrance of chameli/Jasmine is enough to tell of.
But you cannot limit chameli or Jasmine to love, beauty, and sensuality only. There’s more to this mystical flower. Do you know chameli can release stress, induce sleep, and relieve muscle spasms?
In ancient times, and in some parts of our country even today, ladies use chameli to deck themselves up – as a hair accessory that works as a perfume too.
Chameli or Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family. It is native to warm tropical regions of Africa, Eurasia, and Oceania. The gorgeous, white fragrant flower is often called “queen of the night” for the inebriating fragrance it releases at night.
That’s not all!
Food & beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries use this flower to make various products that are widely popular.
Chameli is one of the easiest flowers to grow in your garden – indoors and outdoors. In this blog, we will cover various aspects of this immensely popular flowering plant.
- Types of Chameli flowers
- How to take care of the Chameli flower plant?
- How to grow a Chameli flower plant at home?
Are you ready to smell the chameli more? So, let’s get started
Types of chameli flowers
Let's learn a little bit about the name and history of Chameli or Jasmine blossoms before we begin to describe the different varieties.
The English name of chameli is Jasmine, which comes from the Arabic word yasmin, meaning fragrant flower.
According to some eminent botanists, Jasmine originated in Persia (currently Iran). From there it crossed the Red Sea before 1000 B.C.
Some other botanists believe that Chameli originated in the Himalayas, specifically west China and Tibet.
Now lets see how many types of chameli flowers are there to inspire us: -
1.Common Jasmine
Jasminum Officinale, or common jasmine, is also known as Poet's Jasmine, True Jasmine, or Summer Jasmine. The white flowers have an intoxicating fragrance that has inspired artists for centuries. This is a fuss-free plant, which means it will grow and bloom even when you least care for it or keep it in the shade. It produces clusters of 3-5 flowers in late spring or early summer..
2. Dwarf Jasmine
This variety of jasmine is also known as Asiatic Jasmine. It grows barely 6-12 inches in height. The best thing about this chameli is that once well-established, it becomes drought-resistant. This type of Chameli is native to Japan and Korea.
3. White Jasmine
White Jasmine is also known as Pink Jasmine. It is native to China and Myanmar. These star-shaped flowers are white inside and pink outside. It is a great outdoor plant but cannot survive a harsh winter. So, you have to take it inside your home during the winter season. Give good support to this climbing variety of Chameli and water every two weeks for a healthy plant.
4. Royal Jasmine
Also known as Regal Jasmine, Spanish Jasmine, or Catalan Jasmine, this type of Chameli flower is native to China, South Asia, and the Middle East. Royal Jasmine would require bright, sunny weather to prosper. Although it can grow in the shade, the flowers would be different from the ones in the sun. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Also, add compost to the soil for better flowers.
5. Italian Jasmine
The buttery yellow blooms of the Italian Jasmine plant melt the heart. This pretty flowering plant attracts bees and hummingbirds most. It’s a treat to watch nature in action in the summer season when the whole shrub is ablaze with bright blooms and birds and bees dance around.
Regular watering will make the shrub grow well and bloom more. Italian Jasmine can bear dryness and is resistant to pests.
6. Primrose Jasmine
The other name of Primrose Jasmine is Japanese Jasmine. It has soft yellow flowers and is indigenous to Southern China and Vietnam If supported, its long, slender, arching stems will ascend like vines. Remember to prune this plant frequently to keep the size under control because it grows quickly. Its lustrous, dark green leaves are covered with fragrant trumpet-shaped blooms. Early spring and occasionally summer see the appearance of flowers. Although less hardy, primrose jasmine is remarkably similar to winter jasmine.
7. Forest Jasmine
The Forest Chameli plant is indigenous to China and can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet. The opposing and trifoliate leaves of the forest jasmine are a robust to slender woody climber. At the tips of the twigs and in the axils of the leaves, flowers are produced.
8. Arabian Jasmine
Do you know that Arabian Jasmine is the national flower of the Philippines and Indonesia? T This plant, which has a long history in the community, is thought to have originated in tropical Asia. The Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia are known to be the places where Arabian Jasmine originated. Ample amounts of water and ample sun rays are important for its growth.
9. Star Jasmine
In India, Star Jasmine is known as Kunda. This flower is associated with Lord Vishnu – one of the many deities in India. The Manipur state's wedding customs place a high value on Star Jasmine. Two Star Jasmine flowers are presented to the groom by the bride. The bride receives one of the flowers back from the husband after that.
This Jasmine species doesn't have a strong aroma in comparison to other Jasmine species. This shrub requires a lot of water, particularly when it is blooming. The soil must be kept wet but not drenched.
This variety of chameli is indigenous to China and Japan.
10. Lemon Scented Jasmine
This type of Chameli is native to Madeira Island, Portugal, and the prime requirement of this plant is warmth and sun.
Despite the name, the fragrance of lemon-scented jasmine isn’t alluring. But if you smell it at sunset, you may get a strong scent as the fragrance emitted by this plant is highest during the sunset.
Remember to prevent frost if you want to grow this plant. The soil should be well-drained and you must keep it slightly damp.
How to take care of Jasmine?
Watering the Chameli plant is necessary during the growing season. Don’t allow the top soil to go dry. Remember that the soil must be moist, not soggy. In summer, water the plant every 2-3 days and check the dryness of the soil by inserting your fingers 2 inches into it. In the winter, water the chameli plant once a week.
A sunny spot is perfect for this plant. If you have kept it away from the sun, make sure it somehow receives 4-6 hours of sunshine daily.
Avoid pruning before or during the blooming period, as this can have an adverse effect on blooming. But remove dead leaves, flowers and stems by either pinching them off or using hand pruners during the growing season.
A nutrient rich soil like loamy soil will be best for chameli flowers. The soil pH must be 6.5-7.5.
During the growing period, fertilize once a month for better and more flowers. Also, provide homemade compost regularly.
Many varieties of Jasmine or Chameli require firm support to grow up and you must provide that.
Use a mix of water and neem oil to protect your Chameli flower plant from soft scales, mealybugs, aphids, or red spidermites.
How to grow Chameli flower plant at home?
Before discussing the step-by-step method of planting a chameli flower plant, you need to fulfil certain prerequisites mentioned below: -
Best time
The best time to grow chameli is between June and November
A place that receives an ample amount of sunlight and is warm is ideal for the growth of Chameli plant. The container that you are planning to use must be 12 inches deep.
Best soil
When arranging for soil for Chameli flower plant growth, opt for sandy loam. This variety of soil is fertile and moist.
Sun requirement
Chameli flower plants will require full or partial exposure to sunlight. 6 hours of direct sunlight or 4 hours of partial sunlight is essential for better flower size.
Space and depth
Keep your chameli plant at least 8 feet away from other plants because of future root development.
Planting process
- There are many varieties of Jasmine or Chameli and depending on the type your indoor or outdoor space can ideally grow, choose a type of chameli plant.
- Buy a plant or seeds from a nursery or online
- As per the mentioned pre-requisite, choose a specific location in your home. The place must receive a good amount of sunlight.
- Now, you have to prepare the soil for Chameli growth. A nutrient rich well-drained soil is ideal for chameli flower plants. You may decide to grow it directly on the ground or in a container, but you must prepare a two-inch layer of compost first. It will ensure a healthier plant and brighter blooms.
- Select a healthy and slightly tender stem that grew recently and cut the stem (10-15 cm) just below a leaf.
- Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting to balance growth between roots and leaves
- Pour water into the potting soil and allow some time for extra water to escape from the holes
- Take some rooting hormone in a clean container and dip the stem cutting
- Insert the stem into the prepared pot with well-drained soil
- Press the soil around the stem cutting
- Take a plastic bag and cover the whole pot. Keep it in sunlight for 6-8 hours daily
- It will take 4-6 weeks for roots to sprout
- If you want to transplant this plant to the ground now, slide the plant slowly and carefully from the pot and dig a generous hole in the ground..
- Place the plant and pat soil gently around the plant
- Water the soil and watch it grow
- Yes, chameli is the Hindi name of the fragrant jasmine flower.
- Yes, mogra is another name for chameli or jasmine.
- Chameli is also known as Jasminum sambac or Jasmine.
- Smell is very subjective but most describe the scent of chameli as sweet, rich, and exotic. It is intense and said to be more complex than the fragrance of rose.